
Rufinus: A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed is unavailable, but you can change that!

The most important work of Rufinus, and aimed at persons under instruction for the sacraments, this work offers a guide to teaching and defending the Creed. It offers a glimpse of popular Christian apologetics at the beginning of the fifth century. Edited by J. N. D. Kelly.

every respect with the twine out of which we construct a net and the knots by which the meshes are fastened together. The sole point of this analogy would seem to be to show how, just as a net hauls fishes to the shore from the depths of the sea, so human souls are delivered from the abysmal errors of this world by the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. All this makes it clear that illustrations do not resemble the objects they illustrate in every particular. Otherwise, if they were similar in all
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